Hi, I'm Emily.
I have been helping people make peace with food, their body and themselves for over 25 years. For most of my clients this has been a lifelong battle. Having experienced personal growth in this area, it is my passion to pass this peaceful relationship on to others.
I realized early that knowing what to do doesn’t always mean someone can do it on their own. After my education in nutrition and obtaining the registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) credential, I pursued additional training to advance my counseling skills. While working with clients who are recovering from disordered eating, the therapeutic skills became especially important. As an RDN and nutrition counselor, I focus on deep healing and creating an empowered sense of self through a compassionate balance of food and movement.
Why work with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)?
With the ease and convenience of the online world, anyone can pose as a nutrition "expert." By working with a registered dietitian nutritionist, you can feel confident in the training, experience and expertise offered.
Emily Haeussler, RDN, LD
Emily Haeussler, RDN, LD
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
BA in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, California State University, Fresno
Internship in Clinical Nutrition, Park Ridge General Hospital
Nutrition Counselor
Internal Family Systems practitioner with the Center for Self Leadership
Training in Motivational Interviewing and Coaching
Eating Disorders Specialist
Central Texas Eating Disorder Specialists, member
Eating Disorders Institute, Rollins College
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Developed the Nutrition component of Diabetic Classes, Harris Hospital
Cardiac dietitian, inpatient and cardiac rehabilitation
Renal dietitian, Kidney disease, Tarrant County Nephrology Centers
Sports Nutritionist
Certified Physical Fitness Specialist (Personal Trainer), The Cooper Institute
Nutrition Consultant to Texas Ballet Theatre
Nutrition Consultant to the Harris Fitness Center
Taught the nutrition component for Personal Trainer Certification
Publications and In the News:
Hosted “Season to Taste”, healthy cooking show on local cable network
Authored the “Nutrition with Emily Haeussler” chapter in the Kimbell Art Museum cookbook
Coordinator “Eat Hearty” Community Cholesterol Education program, Harris Methodist Hospital
Volunteer of the Year, 1992, Fort Worth Chapter, American Heart Association
Local Media Resource, Channel 5’s “Health Watch”, Star Telegram, Fort Worth Magazine
Experience and Training